SLU 101


Student Leadership University is a journey for students to discover what it means to lead like Jesus. Students will stay at a 5 star resort, hear from world class leaders, and speakers all with the central theme of learning how to become the leader God has created them to be. SLU 101 takes place in Orlando, Florida where students will experience 4 days/3 nights of discovering how God has wired them, working hard, and also playing hard. The trip includes behind the scenes early access and teaching sessions in SeaWorld Orlando. After working hard, the students will have a day to experience Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure. 


Students must be either 14 years old OR be finishing 8th grade to attend SLU 101 this summer.

To view a packet of the conference with more info click here


The cost is $599 per student. To view an SLU fundraising packet click here.

- Note if there is a student who truly desires to take this trip, and feels God calling them to step into this leadership journey scholarships and fundraising help will be available. 


Packet -


Fundraising -